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Today is 09/24/24.
Here is your daily fortune from "dragon".
/ Q: How many lawyers does it take to \
| change a light bulb? A: Whereas the |
| party of the first part, also known as |
| "Lawyer", and the party of the second |
| part, also known as "Light Bulb", do |
| hereby and forthwith agree to a |
| transaction wherein the party of the |
| second part shall be removed from the |
| current position as a result of failure |
| to perform previously agreed upon |
| duties, i.e., the lighting, |
| elucidation, and otherwise illumination |
| of the area ranging from the front |
| (north) door, through the entryway, |
| terminating at an area just inside the |
| primary living area, demarcated by the |
| beginning of the carpet, any spillover |
| illumination being at the option of the |
| party of the second part and not |
| required by the aforementioned |
| agreement between the parties. |
| |
| The aforementioned removal transaction |
| shall include, but not be limited to, |
| the following. The party of the first |
| part shall, with or without elevation |
| at his option, by means of a chair, |
| stepstool, ladder or any other means of |
| elevation, grasp the party of the |
| second part and rotate the party of the |
| second part in a counter-clockwise |
| direction, this point being tendered |
| non-negotiable. Upon reaching a point |
| where the party of the second part |
| becomes fully detached from the |
| receptacle, the party of the first part |
| shall have the option of disposing of |
| the party of the second part in a |
| manner consistent with all relevant and |
| applicable local, state and federal |
| statutes. Once separation and disposal |
| have been achieved, the party of the |
| first part shall have the option of |
| beginning installation. Aforesaid |
| installation shall occur in a manner |
| consistent with the reverse of the |
| procedures described in step one of |
| this self-same document, being careful |
| to note that the rotation should occur |
| in a clockwise direction, this point |
| also being non-negotiable. The above |
| described steps may be performed, at |
| the option of the party of the first |
| part, by any or all agents authorized |
| by him, the objective being to produce |
| the most possible revenue for the |
\ Partnership. /
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