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Today is 12/25/24.
Here is your daily fortune from "daemon".
/ His followers called him Mahasamatman \
| and said he was a god. He preferred to |
| drop the Maha- and the -atman, however, |
| and called himself Sam. He never |
| claimed to be a god. But then, he never |
| claimed not to be a god. Circum- |
| stances being what they were, neither |
| admission could be of any benefit. |
| Silence, though, could. It was in the |
| days of the rains that their prayers |
| went up, not from the fingering of |
| knotted prayer cords or the spinning of |
| prayer wheels, but from the great |
| pray-machine in the monastery of Ratri, |
| goddess of the Night. The |
| high-frequency prayers were directed |
| upward through the atmosphere and out |
| beyond it, passing into that golden |
| cloud called the Bridge of the Gods, |
| which circles the entire world, is seen |
| as a bronze rainbow at night and is the |
| place where the red sun becomes orange |
| at midday. Some of the monks doubted |
| the orthodoxy of this prayer |
| technique... |
| |
\ -- Roger Zelazny, "Lord of Light" /
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