Today is 09/16/24. Here is your daily fortune from "daemon". _________________________________________ / The notes blatted skyward as they rose \ | over the Canada geese, feathered rumps | | mooning the day, webbed appendages | | frantically pedaling unseen bicycles in | | their search for sustenance, driven by | | cruel Nature's maxim, 'Ya wanna eat, ya | | gotta work,' and at last I knew | | Pittsburgh. | | | | -- Winning sentence, 1987 Bulwer-Lytton | \ bad fiction contest. / ----------------------------------------- \ , , \ /( )` \ \ \___ / | /- _ `-/ ' (/\/ \ \ /\ / / | ` \ O O ) / | `-^--'`< ' (_.) _ ) / `.___/` / `-----' / <----. __ / __ \ <----|====O)))==) \) /==== <----' `--' `.__,' \ | | \ / ______( (_ / \______ ,' ,-----' | \ `--{__________) \/